Blog Why Do I Still Look Pregnant After Giving Birth

Why Do I Still Look Pregnant After Giving Birth


This is the hot topic in mom circles. 

The frustration with still looking pregnant after giving birth. Or even a year after giving birth.

Why does a woman's stomach seem squishy and just not the same, even if trying to do core work?

Well the first thing to know is it is not your fault.

I recorded a quick video sharing what happens with this and you can watch it below:

Now, the scientific explanation of what is going on in the body is more detailed. 

What happens is the abdominal muscles are on stretch during pregnancy which causes the fascia layer in between each muscle to stretch and widen. This is called diastasis recti abdominis. This medical word is the technical reason of what is going on. 

So why does the mommy tummy stay? Why does a woman still look pregnant?

The fascia layer does not have contractile properties to simply "go back" as explained in the video. The fascia layer needs deep layers of the abdominals to activate and contract. When this special contraction along with a breathing method is used together, the abs gradually pull themselves closer together. Once the ab muscles are closer together, the diastasis recti resolves and a woman doesn't feel like the squishy mom pooch is there anymore.

To follow the approach I used to fix my mommy tummy go to the home page here and you can get the program I recorded AS I did it to recover from having my third baby.

I know it is easier to hit the play button and do it along side someone else to stay accountable, consistent and move past this mom-issue. That's exactly why I turned on the camera and recorded each step, for moms just like you.


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